fredag 4. juli 2008

L.A.U.S-King and the discography

(Loud And Unbelievable Slow)

L.A.U.S. var/consisted of:
Gunnar Nuven-vocals
Harald Tredal-drums
Steve Allen-guitar
Øyvind AKA Dr. Akkbahr-guitar

Ingen egne utgivelser
No own releases


Subbacultcha!-The invasion of the Norwegian underground cd/tape (Progress Records pro007/1992)
låter/tracks: Blown away

Plantet Progress cd(Progress Records PRO014/1995)
låter/tracks: King and the slave/Blown away

2 kommentarer:

kktz sa...

hi, great blog! i just added you to the links on my blog about old former yugoslavian hardcore punk, it will be great if you can add me to your links. greets, kktz

Kjelli sa...

It's done.. thanx